We extend the opportunity for you to experience the cleansing & purifying benefits of Kambo

Preparing for Kambo

Kambo—a transformative ritual deeply rooted in the traditions of indigenous Amazonian cultures. Derived from the secretions of the Phyllomedusa bicolor frog, Kambo has been employed by Amazonian tribes for centuries, revered for its potent cleansing and healing properties. Kambo has been the subject of more than two decades of medical research. Kambo is one of the strongest natural anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anti-microbial and anaesthetic substances known in medicine and one of the strongest, natural ways to strengthen the immune system. It also detoxes the liver and the intestines so it’s a powerful cleanser.

The Science:

Kambo, also known as the "vaccine of the forest," encompasses a unique blend of bioactive peptides with profound physiological effects. The secretion is ethically harvested from the frog and applied to small burns on the skin, facilitating the absorption of these peptides. Scientifically, Kambo induces a cascade of effects, including the stimulation of the immune system, the release of endorphins, and the detoxification of the body. With roots deeply embedded in indigenous medicine, Kambo continues to be a holistic tool for cleansing and revitalization.

The Experience:

The Kambo ritual involves the application of the frog secretion through small burns on the skin, leading to a swift and intense physiological response. The experience is characterised by purging, as the body releases toxins and impurities. While the process can be challenging, it is followed by a sense of profound clarity, increased energy, and a heightened state of wellbeing. Kambo is renowned for its detoxifying effects, both physically and energetically, making it a powerful complement to the Ayahuasca experience.

Preparation Tips:

Preparing for Kambo is crucial for a safe and transformative experience. Consider these tips:

1. Ensure proper hydration in the days leading up to the ceremony, as Kambo can induce purging and sweating.

2. Abstain from food for a minimum of 8 hours before the ritual to enhance the effectiveness of Kambo.

3. Reflect on your intentions for the ceremony. What do you seek to release or cleanse? Setting clear intentions can enhance the ritual's efficacy.

4. Approach the experience with an open heart and mind. Embrace the purifying process as a crucial step in your journey towards healing and transformation.


Working With Rapé


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