Is Kambo safe for me?

Kambo is safe when given by a properly trained practitioner however there are some conditions for which Kambo is contraindicated, including for -

People who:

● Have serious heart problems.

● Are on medication for low blood pressure.

● Have had a stroke.

● Have had a brain haemorrhage.

● Have had aneurysms or blood clots.

● Lack the mental capacity to make the decision to take Kambo.

● Have serious mental health problems excluding depression, PTSD and anxiety.

● Are undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy or for 4 weeks afterwards.

● Take immune-suppressants for organ transplant.

● Have Addison’s Disease.

● Have current and severe Epilepsy .

● Are recovering from a major surgical procedure.

● Are pregnant or maybe so or are breast-feeding a child under 6 months old.

In addition to these, Kambo should be avoided by those with any condition that can weaken the oesophagus including:

● Severe liver disease.

● Severe injury or trauma to the Oesophagus.

● A recent endoscopy (within 6 weeks of receiving Kambô)

● Tumours in the throat.

● Ulcers in the throat.

● Physical trauma or injury to the neck (often caused by Car or motorcycle accidents).

● Those who have or have had bulimia.

● Gastro-intestinal Reflux.

● History of smoking.

● Chronic inflammatory response syndrome due to mould exposure.

● Untreated eosinophilic esophagitis.

● Oesophagus/Oesophageal Varices.

● Portal Hypertension.

This is not an exhaustive list so it’s important to consult a properly trained and skilled practitioner if you have any serious health issues or concerns. Sometimes it depends on the stage of a disease or the constitution of the person receiving Kambo. Treatment cannot be given to under 18 year olds, pregnant or breastfeeding women with babies under 1 year old. People who have had a stroke, those with serious heart problems, transplant patients or people taking medication for very low blood pressure cannot safely take Kambo. If you are menstruating at the time of treatment, Kambo may well cause the flow to increase for 24-36 hours because it contains powerful Vasodilators.

If you are Asthmatic ensure that you have your inhaler with you. If you are Diabetic it’s important to discuss your treatment in advance. You must inform us if you have ever or are currently suffering from a mental health condition, regardless of whether or not you are taking medication. The only exception to this is depression. In most cases it is usually completely safe for you to continue taking your normal medication but please discuss this with us beforehand.