
A comprehensive guide to working with Rapé

Rapé is a special type of tobacco snuff, which has been used by Amazonian tribes for centuries. It is commonly administered at the beginning of ceremonies as a grounding ritual, to induce a state of calm presence, and prepare individuals for the journey ahead,

What is Rapé?

The roots of Rapé trace back to the South America with early documented use among the Incas for medicinal and purgative purposes. It is a shamanic snuff that is administered through a forceful blow into the nostrils using a special blowpipe called a "Kuripe" (for self-administration) or a "Tepi" to receive it from another person.

Rapé is a fine, dry power, often grey to sand-colour in appearance, which is meticulously crafted through ceremonial pounding of Nicotiana Rustica tobacco, mixed with special tree ashes and medicinal plants. The composition and ratio of ingredients varies for each tribe and often remains a closely guarded secret within tribes.

Effects and Usage

Rapé serves diverse purposes among indigenous tribes, from initiation rites to healing ceremonies. Its administration involves an exchange between giver and receiver. The intense blow into the nostrils clears the mind, releases emotional blocks, and leads to a grounded centred feeling. Additionally, Rapé aids in detoxification, stimulates mental acuity, and is believed to contribute to pineal gland health.

Medicinal Values

Indigenous Americans utilize tobacco for diverse medical applications, including wound care, insect repellent, and pain relief. Rapé's antibacterial properties and deep nasal penetration cleanse the body, while its psychoactive compounds offer therapeutic benefits

Application: a Ceremony between the Giver and Receiver

Administering Rapé involves intimate rituals, symbolising death and rebirth, and fostering a profound connection between giver and receiver. Setting intentions and creating a sacred space amplify its healing potential, and guide users toward clarity and transformation. Post-administration, the body undergoes cleansing, releasing mucus and toxins. Grounding practices, such as deep breathing and spitting, aid in this process, symbolising the expulsion of negativity and restoration of balance.

Tribal Communities

We source Rapé directly from Amazonian tribes, including the Katukina, Yawanawá, and Kaxinawá, fostering fair and sustainable trade practices. Through our partnerships, we support tribal education and environmental conservation efforts.

In essence, Rapé transcends its physical form; it's a conduit for spiritual connection, healing, and reverence for the natural world. As stewards of this sacred medicine, we honour its legacy while nurturing its evolution in harmony with indigenous communities and the Earth.

Rapé is a sacred medicine and should to be used with respect and good intentions. We strongly discourage the combined use with alcohol. Remember to not swallow the blend, but blow your nose carefully and spit out the remains. Due to the tabacco content of most Rapés, compulsive use can lead to dependence and can cause heart disease, stroke, atherosclerosis, and other vascular diseases. Rapé should not be used during pregnancy.