At Numinity, we are committed to fostering a space where love, acceptance, and empowerment converge to facilitate profound personal transformation.

  • Melissa Layton


    Numinity’s founder, Melissa uses her diverse background and personal healing journey to empower others on their path to transformation. As a renowned Healer, Coach, and Facilitator, she combines the pragmatism of the West with the mysticism of the East to guide individuals towards healing and growth.

    Having spent many years as a commercial lawyer, she brings a unique perspective, emphasising critical thinking and discernment as essential accompaniments to more holistic practices.

    Melissa’s commitment to personal and collective transformation has earned her recognition as a leading figure in her respective fields. Her comprehensive approach, which blends ancient wisdom with modern techniques, empowers individuals to transcend their limitations, unlock their potential, and live lives of purpose and fulfilment.

  • Holly Layton


    Hailing from London, Holly is a versatile mulitphyphenate, blending her talents as a gifted sound healer and space holder.

    Passionate about harnessing the transformative power of sound, Holly's journey into sound healing was born from a personal exploration of its profound impact on the human psyche and body.

    Holly is a master of various sound modalities, seamlessly transitioning from classical piano to the ethereal tones of crystal singing bowls. Her unique touch lies in the fusion of ancient instruments with synthesised sounds, crafting lush soundscapes that transport listeners to otherworldly realms.

    Beyond the realm of sound, Holly can be found leading laughter yoga workshops and facilitating at our retreats. Her sessions are designed to infuse joy and laughter into the lives of those fortunate enough to experience them.

  • Ness Dalga


    Ness is a gifted Medicine Woman who, along with her team, bring Ayahuasca to Spain from the Shiibo tradition in Peru, where she trained.

    She is maternal, nurturing and caring and believes the purpose of her life is to be at the service of love and wisdom, to serve humanity for its highest purpose, and to contribute to humans awakening to this way of being.

    Ness understands that it is necessary to look within, break patterns, heal wounds, return to the path of the heart, experience the joy of living, and get rid of everything that prevents us from being our best selves.

    She believes that the ceremonial space is not only a healing space but also a space of co-creation where everyone creates in their own way. Her dedication to the people with whom she works reflects her devotion to the medicine and service, and speaks volumes about her integrity and sense of responsibility.

  • Rakhsana Ramzan


    Rakhsana is a passionate retreat facilitator who embarked on a deep personal healing journey that led her to a path of serving others. With the transformative power of psychedelics, particularly Ayahuasca, Rakhsana discovered the profound potential for healing and growth in her own journey to overcome C-PTSD, chronic shame and fear of abandonment. It was during her own explorations with Mother Ayahuasca that she received a powerful calling to provide support for others on their healing journeys.

    Following a deeply transformative kundalini awakening she experienced during an Ayahuasca ceremony, Rakhsana's path became clear. She realised that her purpose was to support and hold space for individuals embarking on their own inner explorations, so that they too could experience the healing and guidance that she had received.

    With her compassionate nature, profound personal experiences, and commitment to serving others from a place of integrity and understanding, Rakhsana wholeheartedly embraces her role as a retreat facilitator. She continues to spread healing, empowerment, and love, guiding individuals towards their own transformative journeys of self-discovery and healing.

  • James Fenn


    James is a dedicated facilitator and medicine musician, who, after the deep connection made through and to Ayahuasca, gained a profound love for service. Embracing the sacred power of the plant, he helps participants dive into the elements of their inner worlds and of their consciousness to enable deep healing.

    For James, the natural world is a boundless source of wisdom and insight. Through the retreat journey, he helps participants connect with the profound messages that nature holds for each of us. He firmly believes in harmonising the realms of science and spirituality; and integrating ancient wisdom with modern insights, to bring healing and growth to others.

    James understands that personal growth is a continuous journey, and he approaches it with unwavering dedication. With empathy and understanding, he creates a safe space where individuals can confront their fears, limitations, and past traumas.

    For James, having fun is also an essential aspect of life. He believes that joy and celebration not only bring happiness but also open doors to deeper spiritual connections.

  • Pierluigi Minicozzi


    Pierluigi, a devoted Healer and seasoned Hatha Yoga Instructor, discovered the transformative power of yoga during his sojourn in London in 2016. Intrigued by the prospect of reconnecting with his true essence, he embarked on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual exploration to the sacred and spiritual haven of Rishikesh, India, where, three years later, he underwent rigorous training and earned certification as an Allianz Yoga Instructor.

    Armed with his newfound knowledge and a deep sense of purpose, Pierluigi now imparts his wisdom and facilitates at our retreats in Spain.

    Pierluigi's innate curiosity about the mysteries of life have propelled him to explore a diverse array of traditions and practices. This interdisciplinary approach enriches his classes, offering a tapestry of wisdom that draws from various spiritual lineages. By seamlessly integrating these diverse elements, he creates a sacred space for participants to delve into the depths of their being and foster a profound connection with the universal energies that surround them.

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